Make digital revenue scalable and profitable for your business

Businesses rely on 5 essential pillars to grow digital revenue.
Which pillar do you think your business needs help with?

Business Model

Can you sell an unlimited amount of products/services without generating the same amount of costs?

Has your business model been revamped in the last 2 years?

Did the business model become obsolete due to market changes?

Can your business model evolve nimbly if required by the market?

Validated Product

Did you create your product based on a specific validation process with potential customers?

Have you improved your product or service several times along with your customers?

Do you have a strategy of actively listening to your customers to improve your products?

Has your product had customers who have come through marketing and not relationship marketing?

Unique Value Proposition

Does the Unique Value Proposition of your product solve the real problems of your customers?

Are your customers clear about what makes you unique in the market?

Is your entire team clear about the Unique Value Proposition they provide?

Do your customers clearly understand your proposition and buy from you based on value rather than price?

Digital Marketing

Do you have a clear Digital Marketing strategy that generates leads on a consistent basis?

Is the largest percentage of your leads validated?

Does your digital advertising spend to have a high ROI and low cost?

Have you delegated your marketing instead of doing it in-house?

Do you have a strategy for customer loyalty?

Consultative Sales

Do your proposals take too long to be created and sent to the customer?

Do salespeople prospect traditionally?

Do sales take a long time to close?

Is the commission structure understandable or does it cause problems with salespeople?

If you manage to master the 5 pillars you will be able to increase digital revenue and create a robust business model that allows you to scale. At MH Services we understood a few years ago that focusing on sales is only treating a symptom, if you want to scale you must solve the whole problem.

Who we are

We are MH Services a lean-agile company that specializes in exponential business model consulting with more than 20 years of experience transforming Sales and Marketing areas within companies.

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Trained people in Mexico, Peru, Spain, Colombia, and USA.

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We have conducted more than 100 corporate training worldwide.

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We are highly committed to the success of our clients’ projects.


Have been validated and created under our methodology worldwide.

We create a Framework that unites the world's best methodologies to be a lean enterprise, which can create scalable, profitable, and digital revenues even in times of crisis.

We transform companies worldwide, they have trusted our work.